wipeout uk pest control



Bed Bug Removal in Preston

Bed Bug Removal in Kirkham

Bed Bug Removal in PrestonJust saying the words “bed bug removal in Preston”, will send many of our  clients into fits of shuddering itching.The world is on the move and they’re taking their bugs with them. The only thing to do when it hits home for you is call in our professionals. Don’t try to handle it on your own with old wives remedies. We know better than anyone that bedbugs in your home are not the result of poor hygiene or housekeeping. If you’re worried about the neighbours seeing our truck in your driveway, just tell them you believe in preventative maintenance. Most people are misinformed about bed bugs and for that matter, most insect infestations.

Blood sucking bed bugs likely originated in the cradle of life, making their way to Asia, Europe and the Americas as populations migrated. What is important to know is in Preston, bed bug removal is a done deal when we’re on the job. It is ironic that early history records the use of bed bugs to treat illness. Even as late as the 18th century, French Doctor Jean-Étienne Guettard recommended them to treat hysteria. That’s funny seeing as they now create hysteria. The bugs are ancient and have been found fossilised. If there seems to be an increase of complaints it’s only because, as people, we are more globally mobile than ever before. They are parasites that need us to survive.

Bed bug removal in Preston from homes and hotels is not a one treatment and done. We have a complete understanding of the bugs’ habits and their ideal habitat. We use a systematic series of treatments to eradicate the bugs, eliminate their habitats and breeding spaces and make them very uncomfortable on your premises. Follow up is essential for a time because they are a hardy species and vigilance is needed to be sure they don’t come back. If you suspect bed bugs are present contact Wipeout Pest Control UK right away. Don’t be ashamed. Their presence has nothing to do with cleanliness or the lack thereof. They have been following us for centuries from caves, to palaces, aboard ships headed to all ports on the seas and now on planes that travel the earth.

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