wipeout uk pest control



Bird Control and Prevention

As bird control specialists we offer a wide range of services and techniques to tackle bird problems. We offer site specific awareness and can tailor prevention methods for your site. We offer free and comprehensive site surveys advice on legislation – protected species, egg and nest removal, tailored and effective bird control and bird proofing solutions and contamination (guano) clearance

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Bird Proofing

When dealing with bird problems, one must understand that we make ideal habitats for them to roost and nest, so to ensure birds do not become a problem, you must not allow birds to gather in the first place. Pigeons especially will always return to where they are hatched, so once a bird has nested once, more will follow.

When dealing with birds, Wipeout UK use only humane methods of dealing with the problem. any pigeons that must be removed for their own safety will be carefully removed in conjunction with local wildlife volunteers and will be cared for in a suitable sanctuary.

All wild birds are protected by Law so we will work with the Wildlife organisations to ensure no birds are harmed when carrying out any bird proofing operations.

Proofing can take many forms, the most common being exclusion (the use of netting or mesh to prevent access to an area) or roost inhibitors (spikes, bird gel, bird slopes) and many different methods may be used in one project to secure the area.

When exclusion methods are used, we always install pigeon escape outlets so in the unlikely event of a pigeon getting inside the structure, they can escape without harm.

Call us now to speak to one of our highly experienced bird control experts who can advise on the most effect solution to your bird control problem.

Bird Deterrents

Bird deterrents do exactly what they say – deter birds for roosting on surfaces or areas where birds are not welcome.

Bird deterrents can take many forms but the most common are visual – something that the birds see and do not like, audio where a device is used to emulate a noise that the target species are frightened of like a hunting hawk call or a distress call of their species.

Each case is different and in certain circumstances one or more products will be used together to create the most effective solution. Our bird control specialists will be happy to recommend the various options which will work on the species involved.

Everything from lazers to sophisticated sound systems are available for us to put the right solution to solve the problem, at the budget you require.

Call us now for impartial and free advise and a free quoation

Guano Removal and Cleaning

One of the most important areas of deterring birds is removal of any trace of former roosting. Cleaning the area is an essential part of the whole operation, but it comes with quite a few hazards so must be done correctly and safely.

Bird guano (droppings) carry a number of hazardous and toxic components, particularly when dry. Once it is disturbed and becomes airborne, you risk the health of the operator and anybody else in the vicinity. cleaning therefore must only be undertaken by suitable trained and qualified persons.

We use specific cleaning products that are designed to neutralise and contain pathogens found in bird guano and speciality cleaning techniques to ensure the waste is captured and disposed of safely without risk.

Once an area is properly cleaned, the bird deterrents can be installed. The combination of the removal of historic droppings and nesting materials and new deterrents make the old roost areas very unattractive, so the birds will move to a new home within a few hours of attempting to roost.

Our bird specialists will be happy to discuss your situation and provide unbiased and practical advise on the best methods to use to clean and protect your property from bird infestations.

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