wipeout uk pest control



Domestic Pest Control

This is a very common problem, more so than people think. Having to call pest control does not mean to your neighbours that you are dirty, far from it. In some cases domestic pest control issues cannot be avoided, rodent ingress due to cold weather, wasp nests in loft spaces, or even biting insects that the household pet may have brought in. From time to time we know your home may be affected by pests, it may be rodents and moles in the winter months or insects throughout spring and summer.

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Rat Control

Rats are born survivors. They are highly intelligent and persistent. They like nothing more than being in a warm dark place where this plenty of food and a place to breed. Most domestic rat problems are first noticed by noises in the attic or basement. So how do they get in there in the first place?

Rats can climb very well, using any vegetation or drainpipes to gain access to the roof space – they can even climb up rough brickwork, so making sure you do not give them the opportunity is key. Furthermore, rats are extremely good at digging too and need little encouragement to find a weak spot, like where pipes and services enter a property, to gain access to the wall cavity.

Wipeout UK Pest Control have years of experience in many different environments, so know exactly where to look for problems. It is not good enough just to treat a problem and walk away, we look for the root cause of the problem, advise on proofing measures and stop the problem happening in the future. In some cases we will recommend an ongoing pest control contract where problems are persistent and your property is under constant attack.

Why not call us today to discuss how we can eradicate your rat problem and advise on how to prevent further rodent problems in the future.

Wasp Control

Wasps are a constant nuisance pest in the summer and autumn months, and in some cases may cause more serious problems for vulnerable persons like children and the elderly.

If you discover a wasp nest in your property, we recommend you have it treated by a pest professional and never attempt it yourself. whilst there are many DIY products on the market, most are ineffective unless deployed directly inside the nest. This will definitely expose you to serious risk and may not solve the problem anyway.

When you use Wipeout UK Pest Control to do this job, you can be sure of a rapid response, an effective and safe treatment of the wasp nest. Your safety and health is important to us so we will provide you with the necessary after treatment advice so your family is not at any risk. The products we use are specifically designed to destroy wasp nests quickly and effectively and our staff are trained to make the process simple and safe.

All wasp treatments are guaranteed so you can be sure if there is still some activity 72 hours after the treatment, we will repeat the treatment free of further charge.

Call us now for a fast reliable and guaranteed wasp control service.

Bed Bug Treatments

Without doubt, bed bugs are the most difficult problem to solve and the most distressing for our clients. Wipeout UK Pest Control are experts in detecting and treating bed bug problems. DIY and home products are not effective and in fact make the problem worse by driving the bed bugs into hiding, only to emerge at a later date.

We work to a tried and tested methodology to solve the problem. We work with the resident or hotel staff to identify the causes, where the bed bugs are breeding and then establish control of the problem with a variety of methods depending on the circumstance we find.

As you can imagine, we have seen some horrendous bed bug problems, so making sure you tackle the problem in a systematic and thorough manner is vital to the success of the treatment. We will provide ongoing monitoring after the treatment to ensure no further infestation has occurred.

Call us now for advice and help in dealing with your bed bug issue

Other Creatures

There are so many different pest problems we deal with – far to many to single everyone out, but you can rest assured that Wipeout UK Pest Control will have the answer to all and any pest control problems.

From spider infestations, silverfish, carpet moths,  fleas, woodworm – you name it and we have the answer. All our pest control technicians are trained to the highest possible levels and all have access to technical support for the more unusual issues they might find.

We can also provide identification of insects as part of our pest control service, sending the insect off for exact identification and treatment requirements.

Call now for our domestic pest control service and speak to one of our knowledgeable and experienced technicians.

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We have earned a reputation for service, reliability and the desire to meet our customers’ needs. This has ultimately driven the expansion of our business and the comprehensive services we provide.